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MetaTags Properties

titlestringSets the meta title of the page
titleTemplatestringAllows you to set the default title template that will be added to your title
robotsstring or boolean (default index,follow)Sets the meta robots of the page ⚠ You can disable it completely by setting it to false, but use it with caution as there is a risk that the page will not be indexed⚠
additionRobotsPropsObjectSet the additional meta information for the X-Robots-Tag
descriptionstringSets the meta description of the page
canonicalstringMake the page canonical URL
keywordsarraySets the meta keywords of the page
mobileAlternate.mediastringSet the screen size from which the mobile site will be served
mobileAlternate.hrefstringSet the alternate URL for the mobile page
languageAlternatesarraySet the language of the alternate urls. Expects array of objects with the shape:{ hrefLang: string, href: string }
additionalMetaTagsarrayAllows you to add a meta tag that is not documented here
additionalLinkTagsarrayAllows you to add a link tag that is not documented here
twitter.cardTypestringThe card type, which will be one of summary, summary_large_image, app, or player
twitter.sitestring@username for the website used in the card footer
twitter.creatorstring@username for the creator of the content (output as twitter:creator)
twitter.titlestringThe concise title for the related content
twitter.descriptionstringThe description that concisely summarizes the content in a manner suitable for presentation within a Tweet. You should not reuse the title as the description or use this field to describe the general services provided by the website
twitter.imagestringThe URL to a unique image that represents the content of the page. You should not use a generic image such as your site logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. Images for this card support a 1:1 aspect ratio with a minimum size of 144x144 pixels or a maximum size of 4096x4096 pixels. Images must be less than 5MB in size. The image will be cropped to a square on all platforms. JPG, PNG, WEBP, and GIF formats are supported. Only the first frame of an animated GIF is used. SVG is not supported
twitter.imageAltstringThe textual description of the image that conveys the essence of the image to visually impaired users. Maximum 420 characters
facebook.appIdstringFor Facebook Insights, you will need to add a Facebook app ID to your page in order to use it
openGraph.urlstringThe canonical URL of your object, which will be used as its permanent ID in the graph
openGraph.typestringThe type of your object. Depending on the type you specify, other properties may also be required
openGraph.titlestringThe open graph title, this can be different from your meta title
openGraph.descriptionstringThe open graph description, which may be different from your meta description
openGraph.imagesarrayAn array of images to use as previews. If multiple are provided, you can choose one when sharing
openGraph.videosarrayAn array of videos (object)
openGraph.audioarrayAn array of audio(object)
openGraph.localestringThe locale in which the open graph tags are highlighted
openGraph.siteNamestringIf your item is part of a larger website, the name that should be displayed for the entire site
openGraph.profile.firstNamestringPerson’s first name
openGraph.profile.lastNamestringPerson’s last name
openGraph.profile.usernamestringPerson’s username
openGraph.profile.genderstringPerson’s gender[]Author of the article ISBN date the book was released[]Tag words related to this book
openGraph.article.publishedTimedatetimeWhen the article was first published
openGraph.article.modifiedTimedatetimeWhen the item was last modified
openGraph.article.expirationTimedatetimeWhen the article is out of date after
openGraph.article.authorsstring[]Author of the article
openGraph.article.sectionstringA high-level section name. E.g. Technology
openGraph.article.tagsstring[]Tag words associated with this article