Deep Merge function
Provides a function to deeply merge the enumerable properties of two or more objects.
Use this when you want to override the default values on child pages, as in the following example.
<script> import { page } from '$app/state'; import { MetaTags, deepMerge } from 'svelte-meta-tags';
let { data, children } = $props();
let metaTags = $derived(deepMerge(data.baseMetaTags,;</script>
<MetaTags {...metaTags} />
{@render children()}
import type { MetaTagsProps } from 'svelte-meta-tags';
export const load = ({ url }) => { const baseMetaTags = Object.freeze({ title: 'Default', titleTemplate: '%s | Svelte Meta Tags', description: 'Svelte Meta Tags is a Svelte component for managing meta tags and SEO in your Svelte applications.', canonical: new URL(url.pathname, url.origin).href, openGraph: { type: 'website', url: new URL(url.pathname, url.origin).href, locale: 'en_IE', title: 'Open Graph Title', description: 'Open Graph Description', siteName: 'SiteName', images: [ { url: '', alt: 'Og Image Alt', width: 800, height: 600, secureUrl: '', type: 'image/jpeg' } ] } }) satisfies MetaTagsProps;
return { baseMetaTags };};
import type { MetaTagsProps } from 'svelte-meta-tags';
export const load = () => { const pageMetaTags = Object.freeze({ title: 'TOP', description: 'Description TOP', openGraph: { title: 'Open Graph Title TOP', description: 'Open Graph Description TOP' } }) satisfies MetaTagsProps;
return { pageMetaTags };};